What a busy week. Henry and Evelyn are growing faster than I can imagine. Every day Evelyn seems to develop more and more and Henry is talking and putting sentences together.
Evelyn is sitting up, reaching, and starting to try to pull herself up on things! She has also discovered the power of her voice...and it is a powerful voice!! It did not take long for her to realize if she screams, she gets picked up. She also has put it together that Henry likes to grab her face and neck and we yell at him for this. This week she started to scream just if Henry walked close to her. When she does this I smile at her and say, "you're fine." She just smiles back...that little stinker...she's already turning into a tattle tale! Evelyn also, finally, had a good night sleep the other night. Annie put her down at 8:30/8:45 and she didn't wake up until 4:30!!!! We had a big storm that night, so maybe that did the trick. If so, here's hoping for storms for the next year or two!! :)
Henry's vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day. The last couple of weeks has produced some pretty hilarious sayings from him. Here are his best.
-I pooped, clean it.
-Butt sauce. (referring to diaper creme).
-Mommy, no. Stay home. (when Annie is getting ready to leave for work).
-No, mommy go pick out shoes. (After Annie told him to put his shoes on).
-I want a brother.
-School bus drop guy off. Go home. (he has become obsessed with school busses).
-I don't want sleep. I want wake up. (if I'm putting him down for his nap but he doesn't want one).
-Poop yucky. I don't eat it. (thankful he learned that lesson)!!
-I walk backwards. (while walking backwards).
Here we are on a family walk. Take note of the pine cones in his hand and in Annie's. As soon as we get outside, he says pine cone and searches for them. He walked the entire time holding onto them. It was over a 1/2 mile.
Henry has become very vocal in his eating...
Our healthy lifestyle seems to be rubbing off!
Instances of Henry and Evelyn playing well together are becoming more and more frequent. Evelyn thinks Henry is hilarious!