Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hi baby

Henry is pulling out his Chilean roots. Or, at least his Tío Rodrigo, who's favorite saying is "OK baby." Over the past few days, Henry has been putting a "baby" behind a lot of his words. Last night for our 5 minute drive home from the dining hall, he said "home baby" the whole way. He also likes to grab his phone and say "hi baby" over and over.

I thought the days of calling girls on the phone and having to listen to him use pet names would be many years down the road. If I hear him say shmoopy I might not be able to handle it!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I have to look my best

We were riding in the car. Henry was being so good and quiet in the back seat...until we realized he had gotten into mommy's makeup bag and we took her mascara away from him!

We were on our way to dinner, so I guess Henry just wanted to make sure he looked his best.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Can't juggle, gotta poop

We somehow got on the conversation of juggling. Annie asked if I knew how to juggle, so I grabbed a few clementines and juggled for her. Henry saw me juggle and then mimicked the movements with his hands, or at least tried to. He looked more like one of those people waiving their arms and hands all over the place dancing to techno music. We tried to get video of it, but Henry had some other pressing need to take care of!

Monday, January 20, 2014

I got to have something fruity

During the day I am constantly talking, singing (along to pandora), playing, or horsing around with the kids. I do this for multiple reasons: I am constantly interacting with them so it helps their overall development, they are hearing constant language so their verbal development will be strong, it's fun and goofy so they know our house is a house of fun. Annie got a glimpse into the craziness by secretly recording Henry and me. It's embarrassing, but it's what it takes to be a constantly involved and interactive stay at home parent. That, or it's just what I tell myself to explain my own weirdness...

Evelyn is the funniest person in the world

In an attempt to control Evelyn's spitting up, we decided to try some baby cereal. She could not get enough of it! And, Henry could not get enough of her!

As far as whether or not it helped with stopping her spitting up so much...results were inconclusive...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Holding on for dear life!

Evelyn held on, literally, as long as she could before falling asleep. It makes me wonder how tired I would have to be to fall asleep like that. The next night she fell asleep in the middle of the Calvin vs Hope basketball game. I would have to be half dead to fall asleep in that crazy loud place!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Henry has started the accusation stage - I'm not really sure if that's an actual stage, but whatever it is, he's in it.  He literally accuses everything of giving him a booboo. It all started when reading a book with Annie. There was a girl in the book. Henry leaned into the book and very softly touches his head to the girl. He then said, "booboo, niña" and pointed to the girl in the book. After that everything was giving him a booboo: the trash can, Evelyn, the wall, the stairs, a piece of tape, his food, pillows, blankets. The list goes on and on. He does not get over the booboo until we point at what gave him the booboo and say, "don't give Henry a booboo. Say lo siento and give him un beso." Then Henry gives it a kiss and goes on with the rest of his day!


Henry practicing his Español números!

Football moves

Henry has some pretty sweet football moves. His spin move rivals Barry Sanders! His touchdown dance is pretty sweet too. It looks like he was blessed with his daddy's dance moves!

The best part of his new found football moves is that he will randomly, throughout the day, say "spin move" and spin!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

You want a piece of me?!

Henry has gotten used to saying the word "piece" when he wants something to eat. For example, this morning he had a banana as part of his breakfast. He held it up and said, "piece."  Then he ate it. Later in the day he was saying piece about something. I wasn't sure what it was so I just said, "you want a piece of me?" He proceeded to pinch me with his fingers then pretend to feed me what he had just pinched off!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I need some makeup

Today, I told Henry we need to get ready to go eat lunch with Mommy. Apparently, he thought he needed some of mommy's makeup before heading out to lunch...we were a little late to our lunch date.

Pull ups

After seeing me do a pull up on our pull up bar, Henry became focused on doing pull ups. He kept asking over and over again to be lifted up to do them. He has a little help from me, but he was actually pulling himself a little bit. Hopefully it's the start to a long, healthy life of working out!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another red letter day

It was a milestone day for both kids today! 

Henry said his Spanish numbers 1-10! He was copying me, but I still think that deserved a big hug and kiss! He even held up some of the numbers on his fingers. 

Evelyn rolled over from her back to her stomach! She's going to be chasing Henry around in no time!

To take a line from James Stewart: It's another red letter day for the Mas-Smiths!


Event of the day: Annie took a drink of Gatorade before her run. Her face contorted and grimaced at the taste of it. I asked, "what's wrong?"  She replied, "Henry put popcorn in it!"

I'm guessing Gatorade is never going to come out with a popcorn flavor...

Monday, January 6, 2014

First day back

Well, today was the first day back to the old routine. Annie was on Christmas and New Years break for  the past week and a half or so and had to go back to work today, until 2:00, when Calvin College shut down due to the weather. I was able to get right back into the swing of things as being a stay at home dad. And, Henry and Evelyn didn't disappoint by making some lasting memories!

Henry started the day off by bringing Evelyn's new build-a-bear doll (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Smith) into the bathroom and setting it on his potty.

He kept wanting to go back into the bathroom and play with his potty, the bear, and other things that a toddler should not be playing with, so I took the bear out and distracted him with some other toys.

I got into doing dishes and cleaning up some other messes when I realized Henry wasn't within eyesight, and it was pretty quite. Then I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I went in and found this...
When you got to go, you got to go. And, it always helps having someone go with you!

After I stopped laughing, I decided to read Henry and Evelyn a book: Skippyjon Jones - thanks Jason and Casey Gordon - I still don't know who likes the book more, Henry or me!

I sat down on the floor and put Evelyn on the floor in front of me, between my legs, so she could see the book. Henry was standing up and walking around while I was reading. Suddenly he wedged himself in between my leg and Evelyn and put his arm around her.
This lasted for about a page. Then Henry moved his arm out from behind her and would get upset anytime her arm touched his.

Overall, it was a successful first half a day back as a stay at home dad!