The one constant of being a stay at home dad - while I am doing something that isn't taking a whole lot of concentration, I constantly find myself thinking, "what else could I also be doing right now?" For example: while I give Henry his nightly bath. After I finish washing his body, face, and hair, I will clean the mirror and sink, or floss my teeth. Hopefully setting an example of a good teeth cleaning regiment that Henry will follow - kids always follow the good examples you set as a parent, right? :)
Well, sometimes while trying to maximize every second of the day it backfires a little, like tonight. While flossing my teeth I can see Henry behind me in the tub through the mirror. Henry looked at me with that look. Parents know what I'm talking about. It's that look of "I'm going to try something and I know it's wrong, but I am just so curious to see what happens." In slow motion and fast forward, all at the same time, Henry grabbed his cup full of water and threw it out of the tub. Unable to get the floss out of my teeth and remembering that I don't have the Flash's super speed, I found myself accepting the inevitable and thinking "well, at least it's not poop or pee". The cup hit and water flew all over. Henry, with and look of pure joy and a little excitement, gave a laugh of complete satisfaction. I guess the cup did what he was hoping. While cleaning up the water I found myself thinking two thoughts: "I guess it's time to teach the lesson of no throwing toys out of the bathtub" and once again, "at least it's not poop or pee!"
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