Monday, November 11, 2013

Full of memories already

Today has already been full of memories.  It started with Henry laying out his blanket and reading a book to conejito, his favorite stuffed animal.

A little bit later I walked around the corner and Henry was just walking around hugging conejito who he had put into a small tupperware container!  I missed Henry actually hugging him, but got a picture of conejito crammed into the container.

This morning has also been spent disciplining Henry for continuously sitting up on the brick in front of the fire place.  Not only is it hot when a fire is lit (which he doesn't understand yet and wants to touch the glass doors), but he has a tendency to lean up against the shovel, poker, and other tools and get dirty.  Eventually he will stop...I hope.

And, in case there was any question of whether or not Henry likes to control things.  While eating a mid-morning snack - Henry had broken pieces of pretzel on his tray. He wanted to feed me some which is very common.  However, this time, he wouldn't pick the pieces up and kept reaching up toward my head.  So, I bent down toward his tray and he reached up and pulled my head down to his tray so I could eat the pieces directly off his tray...oh boy...

For any parent out there, you know the possibility of going to the bathroom by yourself is very slim, especially when it comes to the potty training age.  While Henry and I were in the bathroom today (I was sitting down), he was standing next to me with his hand on my leg saying, "leg."  I said, "yeah, that's daddy's leg."  He then moved over in front of me and pointed down inside of the toilet and said, "pee pee."  I felt good that he is putting the whole potty training thing together, but couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable...

Extra bonus from a couple days ago - Evelyn is smiling a ton more and her dimple is really starting to show!  I sense a lot of scaring off young men in the future.  I better start hitting the weights and putting on the pounds so I have a more intimidating stature!!

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