Monday, January 6, 2014

First day back

Well, today was the first day back to the old routine. Annie was on Christmas and New Years break for  the past week and a half or so and had to go back to work today, until 2:00, when Calvin College shut down due to the weather. I was able to get right back into the swing of things as being a stay at home dad. And, Henry and Evelyn didn't disappoint by making some lasting memories!

Henry started the day off by bringing Evelyn's new build-a-bear doll (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Smith) into the bathroom and setting it on his potty.

He kept wanting to go back into the bathroom and play with his potty, the bear, and other things that a toddler should not be playing with, so I took the bear out and distracted him with some other toys.

I got into doing dishes and cleaning up some other messes when I realized Henry wasn't within eyesight, and it was pretty quite. Then I heard a noise coming from the bathroom. I went in and found this...
When you got to go, you got to go. And, it always helps having someone go with you!

After I stopped laughing, I decided to read Henry and Evelyn a book: Skippyjon Jones - thanks Jason and Casey Gordon - I still don't know who likes the book more, Henry or me!

I sat down on the floor and put Evelyn on the floor in front of me, between my legs, so she could see the book. Henry was standing up and walking around while I was reading. Suddenly he wedged himself in between my leg and Evelyn and put his arm around her.
This lasted for about a page. Then Henry moved his arm out from behind her and would get upset anytime her arm touched his.

Overall, it was a successful first half a day back as a stay at home dad!

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