Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I'm not sure if other toddlers are like this, but I am beginning to realize teaching Henry the dangers of strangers will be pretty challenging. While at the store yesterday he walked right up to an elderly woman and grabbed her hand. I'm fairly confident that this old lady wasn't going to run off with him, but you can never really be sure. She did say to Henry, "you want to come home with me? I'll take you home." I was about ready to pounce on that old lady. That's why I wear my sneakers. If there's any trouble, zip! I spring into action!


  1. Someone recommended the approach of this article: http://blog.asha.org/2013/05/09/kid-confidential-teaching-our-kids-about-tricky-people/ with regards to stranger danger... some of it is "meh" but some of it offers a creative approach that might be easier to explain to a child.

    1. Thanks for the link Nicole! Good information for every parent to be aware of!!
