Monday, November 4, 2013

Much more eventful

Last week was the first week Annie returned to work after her maternity leave.  It was rather uneventful; which I was incredibly thankful to God for since I had a surprise birthday party on Friday for Annie to plan.  The week and the party went off without a hitch!  This week has already proved to be much more eventful!  Here is how Monday went. 

Henry and I had oatmeal for breakfast.  When he eats it by himself it usually turns into him eating a few bites with his spoon and then it becomes finger food, which ends with him getting frustrated becasue his hands are dirty and he wont eat after that. I had gone all last week feeding him the oatmeal and thought today I would see if he had improved on his eating skills with a spoon...he did not.  

After cleaning Henry off, Evelyn woke up, so I changed her diaper and started to get a bottle ready to feed her. Before I could finish, I noticed a strong smell coming from Henry. He had quite the unpleasant poop. I have never really been affected (or is it effected) by his poops, but this one actually made my eyes water. Plus, he kept wanting to reach down and grab it so it was a lot of fun changing that diaper.  

After changing Henry's diaper I broke a glass jar getting Evelyn's bottle ready. Evelyn usually eats about 3 ounces of milk so that is what I made. She chugged it and wanted more so I made another ounce which she drank and still wanted more, so I made another ounce. In the middle of drinking the fifth ounce Henry reached into the trash and grabbed the glass pieces from the jar I broke earlier. Horrified by the fact that he still likes to put things in his mouth, I screamed, "Henry no! Put it down!" He did not. He just stood there frozen with a partial smile on his face. I jumped up, put Evelyn in her chair and grabbed the pieces from him. He tried to run away, but I scooped him up to inspect his hands and feet for tiny pieces of glass. Thankfully there was none! To be safe, I put Henry in the pack-n-play and vacuumed the floor. With all the excitement going on with Henry I hadn't looked at Evelyn since I put her down. Now looking, I see she spit up due to the josseling of me jumping up and putting her down. It was on to outfit number two for Evelyn. 

A delicious lunch in the dining hall, which consisted of Henry climbing into the bottom of the stroller and getting stuck, was followed by feeding Evelyn at home. Our after lunch entertainment was Henry pulling his pants off and running laps around the house screaming, "go go go go go!"

The rest of the evening,after Henry woke up from his nap, was pretty normal; apart from Henry farting and saying, "what was that?" Annie had a late work meeting so it was dinner with just the three of us. Evelyn had a scrumptious bottle of milk. Henry and I had the classic peanut butter and jelly...and my tea from breakfast that I forgot about and found in the microwave.

Henry stuck in the bottom of the stroller.

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